Sculpted by renowned artist, Joyce Carreira, the artwork was presented to the Wild Trout Association at the 2018 Epson Wild Trout Festival. See:
It was promptly christened the “Nymph Award” and the only condition was that it be presented to a festival participant. The criteria for the award were to be determined by the WTA. It therefore fell upon those most closely involved with the participants, being the event guides, to determine the criteria. It was also decided that the award would not be a “once-off”, but should be made on an annual basis and that it should remain in Rhodes between festivals.
Criteria for the “Nymph Award”
- It would be awarded to the most spirited participant of the festival.
- It wouldn’t be for the biggest fish, most fish or anything to do with fish caught.
- There would be no formal criteria for the award apart from potential awardees having an abundance of SPIRIT and that the winner would have had to have done something festival related that was particularly special to deserve it.
2018 nominees in no particular order
Bill Hart–for going through Ben Lawers with 3 replaced joints... not once complaining or moaning. .
Daryl le Roux–for doing the 10km route march without*looking for assistance, without one word of complaint or hesitation.
Louis le Roux–the most improved i.e. listening, taking instructions and then putting them into practice.
Tony and Miles–rescuing George Steyn and Mark Yelland.
Peter Brigg–for a great talk & letting us in on some of his secrets.
Frank Cole–not caught a fish yet, but coming back every year.
Martin van Riet–for Epson’s continued and outstanding support.
Nigel Vaughan–for being a long-time regular & dedicated festival participant.
2018 Honourable mentions
Capetonians (Olly Potgieter, Tom Blendulf & Tom Karpinski)–for embracing the spirit and just fitting in.
Mari Small–for treating us all like family and putting in extra effort for great food.
Margie Murray–for having taken on the WTA admin & booking system and running with it.
Gareth Webster–for his talk and dedication.
Lionel Ford–for rescuing the Le Roux vehicle and MikeMcKeown.
Nigel Vaughan was chosen for having participated in every single WTA flyfishing festival other than the very first one that was held in December 1998 thereby showing complete dedication and huge amount of spirit.
Dave Walker accepted the award under duress i.e. deemed himself to not be eligible but was prevailed upon!
Russell Dickson on account of many things but in particular, for being the purveyor and/or dispenser of upmarket libations at pop-uproad blocks during the festival.
Peter Brigg has subjected himself to our festivals as our Guest of Honour for seven years. During this time his gentlemanly conduct and incredibly wide range of knowledge that he shares with alacrity, has been and should be a lesson to all.