The montane nature of the terrain dictates that the weather is fickle. All four seasons can be experienced in one day. It is therefore essential that your luggage should include rain-gear and warm clothing. The altitude above sea-level plus clarity of the skies is an additional factor that has its hazards necessitating the use of creams to limit the amount of damage that can be caused by exposure to ultra-violet rays.
By the same token, it can also get fairly hot and temperatures of up to 36° have been experienced in the Highlands from time to time. Winter temperatures are reported to have fallen well below -15*C.
In short, be warned, beware!
Topographical maps
Should you be able to obtain 1:50 000 topographical survey maps, references for the WTA areas are as follows;
3027CA 3027CB 3027DA 3027DB 3028CA 3028CB
3027CC 3027CD 3027DC 3027DD 3028CC 3028CD
3127AA 3127AB 3127BA 3127BB 3128AA 3128AB
Rhodes is located on 3027BB
Cell-phone reception
There are towers at Barkly East, Tiffindell, Rhodes, Barkly Pass Donkerhoek and Langpunt, however, reception varies obviously according to proximity and visibility of these points in outlying areas.
A municipal water purification plant was installed in Rhodes and finally commissioned in December 2004. This was a most welcome development and the water is of good quality. Good fountain water is found on all of the farms in the area.
There are no medical facilities in Rhodes. The nearest doctors are in Barkly East. Contact number: Drs Olivier & de Villiers – 045 971 0285. The nearest dentist is Dr Vorster in Elliot, 045 937 2078.
Berg adder by Tony Kietzman
Snakes: Poisonous snakes such as the Common or African puff-adder (Bitis arietans arietans), Rinkhals or Ring-necked Spitting Cobra (Hemachatus haemachatus), Cape Cobra or Bakkop (Naja nivea) and the Mountain or Berg adder (Bitis atropos atropos) are occasionally found in the region. Other than the puff-adder that is generally found in the lower-lying valleys, the other species can be found up to around 2500m above sea-level. Avoid heavily grassed areas and walking where you cannot see what you are tramping on particularly densely vegetated river banks where these fellows lie in wait for rodents & frogs.
Weather: The nature of the montane terrain should not be underestimated. The weather can and does change within a matter of hours. Summer storms can create flash floods that can trap the unwary on the wrong side of a stream or river in the gorges and canyons of higher lying beats. Sudden snow storms can also create life-threatening situations. Always consult with locals before heading into the mountains.
Roads: The roads are gravel, narrow and winding. When wet, they can be particularly treacherous. Always drive slowly and keep to the left as you never know when an uncaring driver approaches from the opposite direction on a blind rise or corner on the wrong side of the road.