ABOUT What3words:
It is a system that describes any precise location. It divides the world into 3m squares each with a unique 3-word identifier. It can be used with a FREE mobile app and links to most digital map systems. It is used throughout the Western world and especially by emergency services. The words will never change. The words are RANDOM and have NO HIDDEN meanings. W3W, for those of us more techno-challenged folk, is used in throughout the world. According Andrew Calderwood, in the UK, it is even used by estate owners and game keepers to provide the “3 words” to the police for following up on poachers!
USING What3words:
- Download the App from Apple App store or Google play and install on your mobile
- Once set up, either type in the exact 3word string (///word1.word2.word3) or use the speaker option to dictate the 3word string
- A range of options will be shown, be careful to select the EXACT words (e.g.plural or not)
- Confirm that directionally the selection is correct
- Select “navigate” and you will be given an option of the “map app” to use. Select your preferred app.
- Directions will appear in the app. If you use Google Maps and start your journey before leaving Rhodes or at a point that still has signal, Google Maps will continue to track your location and show you where to go, even without signal