The weather has been exceedingly kind to us over the past few years.This is a far cry from literally driving in the Sterkspruit with the late Basie Voslooin the early part of the previous decade. Gravel and a pool then more graveland another pool was the order of the day!
It was at this time that we embarked upon the electro-fishing project where both smallmouth yellowfish and rainbow trout that were moved to reservoirs with reliable sources of water.
Once the drought broke, the fish were,of course, much larger by then and were duly replaced in their streams of origin. To get back to the precipitation, the nett result is that the constant flow has provided many a gravel bed especially in the Bokspruit where both trout and yellowfish have been able to spawn well. Trout excavating redds and yellows?
Well, being an indigenous species, they spread the good news in amongst the rocks and the like where there is sufficient oxygen-rich water! The older generation of farmers have indicated that the summer of 2022 is the best that they have ever seen. This translates into 60-odd years of experience that is not to be sneezed at! Although over thirty years old, the Association, to keep up with the times, has applied the Round Table motto of “Adopt, Adapt, Improve”.
This has been done as far as has been economically feasible. In more recent times, a Day Permit sales chat group was set up by Margie Murray. This system keeps permit book holders up to date on which beats are being used. The grou palso includes many riparian owners thus allowing them to keep track of usage and awareness of “foreign” vehicles on their or on their neighbours’ property.
Another innovation at the behest of Rudi Hiestermann and Heather Ralphwasto apply an App known as “what3words”to facilitate finding the correct beat..So, what is what3words? Its “inventors” divided the world into 3 metresquares and gave each square a unique combination of three words.”See: Please note that the information provided is about as accurate as we could determine it to be it at the time of publication. Any errors or omissions are regretted, and corrections would be appreciated.
Dave Walker
2020 was a veritable “annus horribilis” what with a country thoroughly drenched with corrupt individuals and organisations at every level in every facet of society plus the advent of the Covid pandemic that was well-exploited by the conscienceless.
On the other hand, the chairman of the Eastern Cape Highlands Trout Collective passed the word that his community were absolutely delighted by the absence of fly fishers from the end of the last festival until the summer was well underway. Members could do what they do unmolested by fishhooks in camo. So, they fed well, grew well, and bred well!
We were extremely fortunate in having managed to get away with having the 2020 festival largely unhindered other than a friendly and then not so friendly visit by the local constabulary! So, we find ourselves in much the same position as every other entity in the country with significantly reduced day permit sales but hoping for better days ahead with the advent of anti-viral vaccinations. Unfortunately, Martin van Riet of Epson sponsorship fame was one of the victims of the pandemic and Nigel Vaughan & I have seen fit to include a few words in memoriam in this edition.
Being the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the association, it was also right and fitting to prevail upon a staunch supporter, long-time fly fisherman well-acquainted with the waters of the Eastern Cape Highlands whom I have difficulty in imagining his appearance during his corporate era. If you haven’t realised to whom I refer, “Blondie” should come to mind. Alternatively, Miles Divett.
I would also like to welcome Gawie Naude and Joe Sephton to the ranks of riparian members of the association. They have added almost 20km of running water on the Bell River and the Diepspruit to the fly fishing options.
Cheers & tight lines
Dave Walker